The B.Sc. degree in Biochemistry has its goal not only covering a strong basic background in Biochemistry, but also applications in agriculture, industry, medicine and environmental science. In the first year, a heavy concentration of courses in fundamental science and mathematics is required. After that, numerous courses in Chemistry and Biochemistry will be taught with the emphasis on laboratory work. In addition to the core courses, students may choose elective courses from diverse subjects to complete the B.Sc. program. To graduate, students will complete an undergraduate research project which gives them learning opportunities to plan and solve research problems.
All high school student graduates are eligible for application. Additional qualifications are in accordance with the univeristy regulations for undergraduate studies.
How to apply?
Forty students are admitted each year via the Central University Admission System (http://www.cuas.or.th/) or the direct admission to the Faculaty of Science (http://www.sc.chula.ac.th), Chulalongkorn University.
Several scholarships are provided each academic year to new undergraduate students by the University and the Faculty of Science. Please contact the program for more information.