Saowarath Jantaro, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Saowarath Jantaro, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

B.Sc ., Prince of Songkla University (PSU)
M.Sc ., Prince of Songkla University (PSU)
Ph.D ., Chulalongkorn University (CU)

Office: Room 615/3, Science 10 Building
Phone: 66-2-218-5431
Fax:      66-2-218-5418


  • Adaptation of cyanobacteria and plant to environmental stresses
  • Polyamine roles in cyanobacteria to environmental stresses
  • Regulation of photosynthetic systems in cyanobacteria
  • Biotechnological and Biomedical applications from cyanobacteria

In my group, we have been focused on the function and regulation in cyanobacterial adaptation under environment stresses. In one hand, the polyamine biosynthesis against UV-radiations has been working. Strikingly, we have found the different responses of polyamine contents under various single wavelengths of UV exposures (A, B and C). As the polyamine mechanism and function are still unclear, particular in cyanobacteria. We are trying as well to figure out the correlation between polyamines and photosynthetic systems using genetic and bioinformatics approaches. Our goal so far is to understand polyamine function and regulation on stress response and adaptation and to develop these studies in field of biotechnological and biomedical applications; such as to improve the tolerance on light stresses by genetic manipulation of either commercial or crop plants in the future.

Recent Publications


  1. Eungrasamee, K., Lindblad, P., Jantaro, S*. 2024. Triple-gene overexpression of the AcrA-AcrB-TolC transporter system inSynechocystis sp. PCC 6803 contributes to a higher secretion of free fatty acids in response to nitrogen shortage and salt stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25, 12131 (*corresponding author)
  2. Utharn, S., and Jantaro, S*. 2024. The adc1 knockout with proC overexpression in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 induces a diversion of acetyl‑CoA to produce more polyhydroxybutyrate. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts 17, 6 (*corresponding author)
  3. Eungrasamee, K, Lindblad, P., Jantaro, S*. 2023. Improved lipid production and component of mycosporine‑like amino acids by co‑overexpression of amt1 and aroB genes in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Scientific Reports 13, 19439 (*corresponding author)
  4. Natesungnoen, M., Pongrakhananon, V., Lindblad, P., Jantaro S*. 2023. Overexpressing carotenoid biosynthetic genes in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 improved intracellular pigments and antioxidant activity, which can decrease the viability and proliferation of lung cancer cells in vitro. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(11), 9370 (*corresponding author)
  5. Tharasirivat, V., Jantaro, S*. 2023. Increased biomass and polyhydroxybutyrate production by Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 overexpressing RuBisCO genes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24, 6415 (*corresponding author)
  6. Eungrasamee, K., Lindblad, P., Jantaro, S*. 2022. Enhanced productivity of extracellular free fatty acids by gene disruptions of acyl-ACP synthetase and S-layer protein in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts 15, 99. (*corresponding author)
  7. Vachiranuvathin, P., Tharasirivat, V., Hemnusornnanon, T., Jantaro S*. 2022. Native SodB overexpression of Synechocystissp. PCC 6803 improves cell growth under alcohol stresses whereas its Gpx2 overexpression impacts on growth recovery from alcohol stressors. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 194, 5748-5766. (*corresponding author)
  8. Eungrasamee, K., Incharoensakdi, A., Lindblad, P., Jantaro, S*. 2021. Overexpression of lipA or glpD_RuBisCO in the Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 mutant lacking the Aas gene enhances free fatty-acid secretion and intracellular lipid accumulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(21), 11468; (*corresponding author)
  9. Utharn, S., Yodsang, P., Incharoensakdi, A., Jantaro, S*. 2021. Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 lacking adc1 gene produces higher polyhydroxybutyrate accumulation under modified nutrients of acetate supplementation and nitrogen-phosphorus starvation. Biotechnology Reports 31: e00661 (*corresponding author)
  10. Eungrasamee, K., Incharoensakdi, A., Lindblad, P., Jantaro, S*. 2020. Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 overexpressing genes involved in CBB cycle and free fatty acid cycling enhances the significant levels of intracellular lipids and secreted free fatty acids. Scientific Reports 10:4515 | (*corresponding author)
  11. Guédez, G., Pothipongsa, A., Sirén, S., Liljeblad, A., Jantaro, S., Incharoensakdi, A.,Tiina A. Salminen. 2019. Crystal structure of dimeric Synechococcus Spermidine Synthase with bound polyamine substrate and product. Biochemical Journal 476: 1009-1020. DOI: 10.1042/BCJ20180811.
  12. Eungrasamee, K., Miao, R., Incharoensakdi, A., Lindblad, P., Jantaro, S*. 2019. Improved lipid production via fatty acid biosynthesis and free fatty acid recycling in engineered Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Biotechnology for Biofuels 12:8 (*corresponding author)
  13. Khanthasuwan, S., Incharoensakdi, A., Jantaro, S*. 2019. Response of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 to UV radiations by alteration of polyamines associated with thylakoid membrane proteins. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 35:8 (*corresponding author)
  14. Towijit, U., Songruk, N., Lindblad, P., Incharoensakdi, A., Jantaro, S*. 2018. Co-overexpression of native phospholipid-biosynthetic genes plsX and plsC enhances lipid production in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Scientific Reports 8:13510  DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-31789-5 (*corresponding author)
  15. Jantaro, S*., Baebprasert, W., Incharoensakdi, A. 2018. External spermine prevents UVA-induced damage of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 via increased catalase activity and decreased H2O2 and malonaldehyde levels. Annals of Microbiology 68: 697-704. (*corresponding author)
  16. Apiradee Pothipongsa · Saowarath Jantaro  · Tiina A. Salminen  · Aran Incharoensakdi. Molecular characterization and homology modeling of spermidine synthase from Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 . World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2017) 33:72 DOI 10.1007/s11274-017-2242-5
  17. Pothipongsa, A.; Jantaro, S.; Incharoensakdi, A.. Spermidine Synthase is Required for Growth of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 Under Osmotic Stress, Current Microbiology 2016, 73 (5), 639-645. (Article in press 2016)
  18. Khetkorn, W.;  Incharoensakdi, A.;  Lindblad, P.; Jantaro, S.. Enhancement of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate production in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 by overexpression of its native biosynthetic genes. Bioresource Technology 2016, 214, 761-768.
  19. Daddy, S., Zhan, J., Jantaro, S., He, C., He, Q., Wang, Q.. A novel high light-inducible carotenoid-binding protein complex in the thylakoid membranes of Synechocystis PCC 6803.  Scientific Reports 2015, 5, Article number 9480
  20. Jantaro, S., Baebprasert, W., Piyamawadee, C., Sodsuay, O., Incharoensakdi, A.. Exogenous Spermidine Alleviates UV-Induced Growth Inhibition of Synechocystis sp PCC 6803 via Reduction of Hydrogen Peroxide and Malonaldehyde Levels. APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 2014, 173 (5), 1145-1156.
  21. Pothipongsa, A.; Jantaro, S.; Incharoensakdi, A. Polyamines induced by osmotic stress protect Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells and arginine decarboxylase transcripts against UV-B radiation. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 2012, 168(6), 1476-1488.
  22. Baebprasert, W., Jantaro, S., Khetkorn, W., Incharoensakdi, A. and Lindblad, P. 2011. Increased H2 production in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803 by redirecting the electron supply via genetic engineering of the nitrate assimilation pathway. Metabolic Engineering 13: 610-616.
  23. Jantaro, S., Pothipongsa, A., Khanthasuwan, S. and Incharoensakdi, A. 2011. Short-term UV-B and UV-C radiations preferentially decrease spermidine contents and arginine decarboxylase transcript levels of Synechocystissp. PCC 6803. Current Microbiology 62:420-426.
  24. Jantaro, S. 2009. Responsive mechanisms of cyanobacteria against intense light stress (Review in Thai). KKU Science Journal 37(2): 121-129.
  25. Wang, Q., Jantaro, S., Lu, B., Majeed, W., Bailey, M. and He. Q. 2008. The high light-inducible polypeptides (HLIP) stabilize trimeric photosystem I complex under high light conditions in Synechocystis PCC 6803. Plant Physiology 147(3): 1239-1250.
  26. Jantaro, S., Ali, Q., Lone, A., and He., Q .2006. Suppression of the lethality of high light to a quadruple hli mutant by the inactivation of the regulatory protein PfsR in Synechocystis PCC 6803.Journal of Biological Chemistry 281: 30865-30874.
  27. Jantaro, S., Kidron, H., Chesnel, D., Salminen, T., Incharoensakdi, A., Mulo, P. and Mäenpää P .2006. Structural modeling and environmental regulation of arginine decarboxylase in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Archives of Microbiology 184: 397-406.
  28. Jantaro, S., Incharoensakdi, A., Jansén, T., Mulo, P. and Mäenpää, P. 2005. Effects of long-term ionic and osmotic stress conditions on photosynthesis in the cyanobacteriumSynechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Functional Plant Biology 32: 807-815.
  29. Jantaro, S., Mäenpää, P., Mulo, P. and Incharoensakdi, A. 2003. Content and biosynthesis of polyamines in salt and osmotically-stressed cells of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803FEMS Microbiology Letters 228: 129-135.


  1. Incharoensakdi, A., Jantaro, S., Raksajit, W. and Mäenpää, P. 2010. Polyamines in cyanobacteria: biosynthesis, transport and abiotic stress response. A.Méndez-Vilas (Ed.): Current Research, Technology and Education Topics in Applied Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology. Formatex, Spain.
  2. Jantaro, S. and Kanwal, S. 2017. Low molecular weight nitrogenous compounds (GABA and polyamines) in blue green algae. R.P. Rastogi, D. Madamwar and A. Pandey (Eds.): Algal Green Chemistry: Recent Progress in Biotechnology. Elsevier. ISBN:978-0-444-63784-0 (Chapter 8, Pages 149-169).
  3. Eungrasamee, K., Zhu, Z., Liu, X, Jantaro, S, and Lindblad, P.  2024. Lipid metabolism in cyanobacteria: biosynthesis and utilization. A.K. Mishra and S.S. Singh (eds): Cyanobacteria Metabolisms to Molecules. Elsevier and Academic Press. CA, USA. ISBN: 978-0-443-13231-5 (Chapter 5, Pages 85-116).