Assistant Prof. Rath Pichyangkura, Ph.D.
B.Sc., Chulalongkorn University
Ph.D., Michigan State University
Office: Room 725, Science 10 Building
Phone: 662-218-5437
Fax: 662-218-5418
Email: prath@chula.ac.th
1988-1996 Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
1984-1988 B.Sc. (Hons) in Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Honors and Awards
2009-2010 Innovation Ambassador (Bio-Business), National Innovation Agency, THAILAND
2006-2008 Innovation Ambassador (Bio-Business), National Innovation Agency, THAILAND
1996-1998 Anandhamahidol Scholarship for MS. and Ph.D. degree, Anandhamahidol Foundation, Thailand
1988 Distinguish Academic Awards, Taab Nelaniti Foundation, Thailand
Administrative Positions
2008-2011 Deputy Dean, Science and Technology Service Affairs, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
2005-2008 Center Head, Center for Chitin-Chitosan Biomaterials, Metallurgy and Materials Science Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University
Research Experiences
2006 Research Fellow, JSPS-NRCT, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan
2003 Research Fellow, University of Monpellier, France
2001 ITIT Fellow, Osaka National Research Institute, Agency of Industrial and Technology,
Ministry of International trade and Industry, Japan (Feb-Mar, 2001)
2000 AIST Fellow, Osaka National Research Institute, Agency of Industrial and Technology, Ministry of International trade and Industry, Japan (Feb-Mar, 2000)
1996-present Member of the Science Society of Thailand
1997-1998 Member of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, National Laboratory Animal Centre, Mahidol University, Thailand
Industrial Linkage
2016 Project Advisor and Project Leader (Talent Mobility), Thai Union Global Innovation Incubator (TU GII)
2015 Project Advisor for Mitr Phol Sugar Group
2015 Training on chitin-chitosan and its application in food production for Betagro Group
2009 Founded Spin-off company, “Olizac Tecnologies Company Limited ” through Chulalongkorn University Business Incubator
Grants and Funding
2017-2018 National Research Council of Thailand: “Enzymatic transformation of sucrose for the production of polysaccharides and oligosaccharides of glucose and fructose for food and functional food applications”
2013-2015 National Research Council of Thailand: “Development of oligosaccharides from agricultural product and waste from food industry as functional food and nutraceutical product”
2013-2014 Agricultural Research Development Agency (ARDA)
2012-2014 Rachdaphiseksomphot Endownment Fund Part of the “Strengthen CU’s Researcher’s Project”
2010-2011 YRC textile company limited
2008-2009 Betagro Company, Thailand
2006-2008 Agricultural Research Development Agency (ARDA)
2005-2006 Effem Foods company, Thailand
2003-2005 National Metal and Material Technology Center (MTEC) Research Grant
2003-2005 Rachadapiseksompoj Endowment
2001-2002 TISTR Research Grant
2000-2004 National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Grant
1998-1999 Rachadapiseksompoj Endowment fund
1997-1998 Post-doctoral grant, Thailand Research Fund, Thailand
1997-1999 Graduate Consortium in Computational Science and Engineering Program Grant, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand
2010 WO/2010/012039 PROCESS FOR RECOVERING PROTEINS FROM CRUSTACEAN EXOSKELETONS. Kudan S., Trakunnaluamsai S., Kuttiyawong K., Pichyangkura R., Sangmanee S., Srikiatden J., Srirangsit T., Bates D., and Surawski J.

Recent Publications
2017 Suthongsa, S.; Pichyangkura, R.; Kalandakanond-Thongsong, S.; Thongsong, B.. Effects of dietary levels of chito-oligosaccharide on ileal digestibility of nutrients, small intestinal morphology and crypt cell proliferation in weaned pigs. Livestock Science 2017, 198, 37-44.
2016 Muangsawang N., Pichyangkura R.*, Chandrachai A., Charoenrath O. (20XX)
Researchers’ viewpoints towards commercialization of agricultural technology for community development. Int. J. Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, Vol. X, No. Y, xxxx ——-In Press
2016 Kunanusornchai W., Witoonpanich B., Pichyangkura R., Chatsudthipong V., and Muanprasat C. (2016) Chitosan oligosaccharide suppresses synovial inflammation via AMPK activation: an in vitro and in vivo study. Pharmacol Res 113 : 458-467 http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.phrs.2016.09.016
2016 Kanjanatanin P., Pichyangkura R., and Chunsrivirot S.. (2016) Replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations reveal the structural and molecular properties of levan-type fructooligosaccharides of various chain lengths. BMC Bioinformatics 17:306, DOI 10.1186/s12859-016-1182-7
2016 Mattaveewong T., Wongkrasant P., Chanchai S., Pichyangkura R., Chatsudthipong V., Muanprasat C. (2016) Chitosan oligosaccharide suppresses tumor progression in a mouse model of colitis-associated colorectal cancer through AMPK activation and suppression of NFkB and mTOR signaling. Carbohydrate Polymers 145; 30–36, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2016.02.077
2016 Sangmanee S., Nakapong S., Pichyangkura R. and Kuttiyawong K. (2016) Levan Type Fructooligosaccharide production using Bacillus licheniformis RN-01 levansucrase Y246S immobilized on chitosan beads. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol.
38 (3), 295-303
2016 Kananont, N., Pichyangkura, R., Kositsup, B., Wiriyakitnateekul, W., Chadchawan, S. (2016) Improving the rice performance by fermented chitin waste. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 18(1): 9-15, DOI: 10.17957/IJAB/15.0045D
2015 Supachaturat S., Pichyangkura R., Chandrachai A., and Pentrakoon D.(2015) A Turning Point to Successful Entrepreneurship in Case Thai Functional Food Company. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 5 (9): 804-807
2015 Pichyangkura R. and Chadchawan S. (2015) Biostimulant activity of chitosan in horticulture. Scientia Horticulturae 196: 49–65, DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2015.09.031
2015 Muymas P., Pichyangkura R., Wiriyakitnateekul W., Wangsomboondee T., Chadchawan S. and Seraypheap K. (2015) Effects of chitin-rich residues on growth and postharvest quality of lettuce. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture: An International Journal for Sustainable Production Systems, 31:2, 108-117, DOI: 10.1080/01448765.2014.974669
2015 Muanprasat C, Wongkrasant P, Satitsri S, Moonwiriyakit A, Pongkorpsakol P, Mattaveewong T, Pichyangkura R, and Chatsudthipong V. (2015) Activation of AMPK by chitosan oligosaccharide in intestinal epithelial cells: mechanism of action and potential applications in intestinal disorders. Biochem Pharmacol. 96: 225-236 DOI: 10.1016/j.bcp.2015.05.016
2015 Sangmanee S., Nakapong S., Kuttiyawong K. and Pichyangkura R. (2015) Production and Immobilization of Levansucrase. Chiang Mai J. Sci; 42(1): 44-51
2015 Chamnanmanoontham N., Pongprayoon W., Pichayangkura R., Roytrakul S., and• Chadchawan S. (2015) Chitosan enhances rice seedling growth via gene expression network between nucleus and chloroplast. Plant Growth Regul 75:101–114, DOI 0.1007/s10725-014-9935-7
2014 Srisornkompon P., Pichyangkura R., and Chadchawan S. (2014) Chitosan Increased Phenolic Compound Contents in Tea (Camellia sinensis) Leaves by Pre- and Post-Treatments. J. Chitin Chitosan Sci. 2(2): 93-98
2014 Kananont N., Kositsup B., Pichyangkura R., and Chadchawan S. (2014) Effects of Chitosan and Associated Solvents on the Growth of ‘Pathumthani1’ Rice (Oryzasativa L. ‘Pathumthani1’) Seedlings. J. Chitin Chitosan Sci. 2: 99-105
2014 Chantarasataporn P, Tepkasikul P, Kingcha Y, Yoksan R, Pichyangkura R, Visessanguan W, Chirachanchai S. (2014) Water-based oligochitosan and nanowhisker chitosan as potential food preservatives for shelf-life extension of minced pork. Food Chem. 159:463-70. DOI: 10.1016/j
2014 Khwanchai, P., Chinprahast, N., Pichyangkura, R., Chaiwanichsiri, S. (2014) Gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamic acid contents, and the GAD activity in germinated brown rice (Oryza sativa L.): Effect of rice cultivars. Food Science and Biotechnology 23(2): 373-379
2013 Pongprayoon W., Roytrakul S., Pichayangkura R., Chadchawan S. (2013) The role of hydrogen peroxide in chitosan-induced resistance to osmotic stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant Growth Regul DOI 10.1007/s10725-013-9789-4
2013 Nakapong S., Pichyangkura R., Ito K, Iizuka M., Pongsawasdi P. (2013) High expression level of levansucrase from Bacillus licheniformis RN-01 and synthesis of levan nanoparticles. Int J Biol Macromol. 54:30-36
2012 Keerati-Angkoon K., Pichyangkura R. and Chandrachai A. (2012) Academic scientist’s motivation in research commercialization. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 3(9): 11-20
2012 Wongputtaraksa T., Ratanavaraporn J., Pichyangkura R., Damrongsakkul S. (2012) Surface modification of Thai silk fibroin scaffolds with gelatin and chitooligosaccharide for enhanced osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 100(8):2307-15
2012 Yousef M., Pichyangkura R., Soodvilai S., Chatsudthipong V., Muanprasat C. (2012) Chitosan oligosaccharide as potential therapy of inflammatory bowel disease: Therapeutic efficacy and possible mechanism of action . Pharmacol Res 66: 66– 79
2012 Muanprasat C., Yousef M., Pichyangkura R., Chatsudthipong V. (2012) Chitosan oligosaccharides ameliorate inflammation in two experimental models of colitis through inhibition of intestinal epithelial cell NF-kB signaling and apoptosis. FASEB Jorunal 26: 1107.5
2011 Keerati-Angkoon K., Pichyangkura R.,Chandrachai A. (2011) Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (ICIII), 2011 International Conference on (Volume:2 ) 508-513
2011 Kudan S., Kuttiyawong K., Pichyangkura R. (2011) Carboxy-terminus truncations of Bacillus licheniformis SK-1 CHI72 with distinct substrate specificity. BMB reports, 44 (6): 375-380
2011 Nimpiboon P., Nakapong S., Pichyangkura R., Ito K., Pongsawasdi P. (2011) Synthesis of a novel prebiotic trisaccharide by a type i α-glucosidase from B. licheniformis strain TH4-2. Process Biochemistry, 46 (2): 448-457
2010 Buaban B, Inoue H, Yano S, Tanapongpipat S, Ruanglek V, Champreda V, Pichyangkura R, Rengpipat S, Eurwilaichitr L. (2010) Bioethanol production from ball milled bagasse using an on-site produced fungal enzyme cocktail and xylose-fermenting Pichia stipitis. J Biosci Bioeng. 110(1):18-25
2010 Pornpienpakdee P., Singhasurasak R., Chaiyasap P., Pichyangkura R., Bunjongrat R., Chadchawan S., and Limpanavech P. (2010) Improving the micropropagation efficiency of hybrid Dendrobium orchids with Chitosan. Scientia Horticulturae, 124(4): 490-499
2010 Kananont N., Pichyangkura R., Chanprame S., and Chadchawan S. (2010) Chitosan specificity for the in vitro seed germination of two Dendrobium orchids (Asparagales: Orchidaceae) Scientia Horticulturae, 124(2): 239-247
2010 Kannasut P., Pichyangkura R., and Ratanamahatana C.A., (2010) Automatic 2-D Hydrophobic Cluster Alignment. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 3(1-2): 43-63
2009 Vachiraroj N, Ratanavaraporn J, Damrongsakkul S, Pichyangkura R, Banaprasert T, Kanokpanont S. (2009) A comparison of Thai silk fibroin-based and chitosan-based materials on in vitro biocompatibility for bone substitutes. Int J Biol Macromol. 45(5):470-477.
2009 Kudan S. and Pichyangkura R. (2009) Purification and characterization of thermostable chitinase from Bacillus licheniformis SK-1. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. Apr; 157(1):23-35.
2009 Suphasiriroj W, Yotnuengnit P, Surarit R, Pichyangkura R. (2009) The fundamental parameters of chitosan in polymer scaffolds affecting osteoblasts (MC3T3-E1). J. Mater Sci Mater Med. 2009 Jan; 20(1):309-20
2008 Kuttiyawong K., Nakapong1 S., and Pichyangkura R. (2008) The dual exo/endo-type mode and the effect of ionic strength on the mode of catalysis of chitinase 60 (CHI60) from Serratia sp. TU09 and its mutants. Carbohydr. Res. November, 343(16), 2754-2762
2008 Limpanavech P., Chaiyasuta S., Vongpromek R., Pichyangkura R., Khunwasi C., Chadchawan S., Lotrakul P., Bunjongrat R., Chaidee A., and Bangyeekhun T. (2008) Chitosan effects on floral production, gene expression, and anatomical changes in the Dendrobium orchid. Scientia Horticulturae 116: 65–72
2008 Kachanechai T., Jantawat P. and Pichyangkura R. (2008) The influence of chitosan on physico-chemical properties of chicken salt-soluble protein gel.Food Hydrocolloids, 22: 74-83
2007 Tangsadthakun C., Kanokpanont S., Sanchavanakit N., Pichyangkura R., Banaprasert T., Tabata Y. and Damrongsakkul S.(2007) The influence of molecular weight of chitosan on the physical and biological properties of collagen/chitosan scaffolds. J. Biomater. Sci. Polymer Edn, 18, No. 2, pp. 147–163
2006 Tassanakajon A., Klinbunga S., Paunglarp N., Rimphanitchayakit V., Udomkit A., Jitrapakdee S., Sritunyalucksana K., Phongdara A., Pongsomboon S., Supungul P., Tang S, Kuphanumart K., Pichyangkura R., Lursinsap C. (2006) Penaeus monodon gene discovery project: the generation of an EST collection and establishment of a database. Gene. 384:104-112
2004 Supungul P., Klinbunga S., Pichyangkura R., Hirono I., Aoki T., Tassanakajon A. (2004 ). Antimicrobial peptides discovered in the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon using the EST approach. Dis Aquat Organ. 61(1-2):123-135.
2003 Sashiwa H., Fujishima S., Yamano N., Kawasaki N., Nakayama A., Muraki E., Sukwattanasinitt M., Pichyangkura R., Aiba S. (2003) Enzymatic production of N-acetyl-D-glucossamine from chitin:Degradation study of N-acetylchitooligosaccharide and the effect of mixing of crude enzyme. Carbohydrate Polymers 51: 391-395
2002 Pichyangkura R., Kudan S., Kuttiyawong K., Sukwattanasinitt M., and Aiba S. (2002). Quantitative production of 2-Acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose from crystalline chitin by bacterial chitinase. Carbohydr. Res. 337, 557-559
2002 Supangul, P., Klinbungna, S., Pichyangkura, R., Jitrapakdee, Hirono, I., Aoki, T. and Tassanakajon, A. (2002). Identification of immune-related genes in haemocytes of the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon, Marine Biotechnology 4, 487-494
2001 Supangul, P., Klinbungna, S., Pichyangkura, R., Hirono, I., Aoki, T. and Tassanakajon, A. Immune-related genes in haemocytes of the black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, infected with Vibrio harveyi, Fisheries Science 68:1083-1086
2000 Mekkriengkrai D., Chirachanchai S., and Pichyangkura R. (2000). Enzymatic degradation of chitosan using Staphylococcus species strain TU005(E) chitinase. Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals. 10 (1), 23-26
1999 TalSinger R., Pichyangkura R., Chung E., Lasner T.M., Randazzo B.P., Trojanowski J.Q., Fraser N.W., and Triezenberg S.J. (1999). The transcriptional activation domain of VP16 is required for efficient infection and establishment of latency by HSV-1 in the murine peripheral and central nervous system. Virology 259, 20-33
1995 Moriuchi H., Moriuchi M., Pichyangkura R., Triezenberg S.J., Straus T.E., and Cohen J.I. (1995). Hydrophobic cluster analysis predicts an amino-terminal domain of varicella-zoster virus open reading frame 10 required for transcription activation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 9333-9337
1994 Koelle D.M., Corey L., Burke R.L., Eisenberg R.J., Cohen G.H., Pichyangkura R., and Triezenberg S.J. (1994). Antigen specificities of human CD4+ T-cell clones recovered from recurrent genital herpes simplex virus type 2 lesions. J. Virol. 68, 2803-2810
Local Journal Articles
2011 ธเนศ จิระพรประเสริฐ; กนกวรรณ เสรีภาพ; ปรีดา บุญ-หลง; รัฐ พิชญางกูร; ศุภจิตรา ชัชวาลย์ (2554) ผลของชนิดและความเข้มข้นของไคโตซานที่มีต่อการเติบโตของผักสลัด ฟิลเลย์ ไอซ์เบิร์ก ที่ปลูกด้วยวิธีไฮโดรพอนิก วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์เกษตร 42(2 (Suppl.)) : 29-32
2006 สมชาย ชคตระการ, กันยา เย็นใจ, รัฐ พิชญางกูร (2549) ผลของโอลิโกไคโตซานต่อการเจริญเติบโต และ ผลผลิตของผักกาดหอมในระบบการปลูกพืชโดยไม่ใช้ดิน ; วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ ปีที่ 14 ฉบับที่ 1 : 16-24
1999 รัฐ พิชญางกูร (2542) การส่งถ่ายดีเอ็นเอเข้าสู่เซลล์ของ Plasmodium sp. และผลกระทบต่อ การศึกษาชีววิทยาโมเลกุลของเชื้อมาลาเรีย วารสารวิจัยวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์ ปีที่ 13 ฉบับที่ 1 : 31-37 Pichyangkura R. (1999) Transfection in Plasmodium sp. and the impact on molecular biology of the malaria parasite. Thai Journal of Health Science, 13 (1), 31-37